As a mother to an introverted child and a fearful rescue dog, we have our go-to spots that suit all parties.
Dog parks can be hit and miss because they can get really crowded, and I personally prefer hitting a trail so I can move my body and enjoy an open space.
The last few months, our favorite place to retreat and reset is Upper Tumalo Reservoir. It’s a bit of a hidden gem with breathtaking scenery.

We’re surrounded by so much beauty in Central Oregon. And going to Upper Tumalo Reservoir is like stepping into a magical storybook.
Dusty dirt trails, sun-soaked ponderosas and juniper, sagebrush, bird calls, and incredible mountain views. The peaceful surroundings gently force you to breathe deeper and remain present.
I highly recommend putting your phone on silent and simply allowing nature to pull you in. We’ve been at all times of the day, but my favorite is early evening before sunset
Once we’re out of sight from the parking area, I unhook the leash and let Hank run free with my daughter.

Watching them in their element, soaking up every minute of time in nature, makes my heart so happy. They love walking and running the dirt trail until they’re ready to turn around. Or doing the loop around the filled in reservoir. Either way, it’s time well spent.
You might stumble upon the occasional friendly human with their dog, but with so much space, overcrowding isn’t an issue.
With warmer weather and summer fast approaching, this spot is best explored in the cooler months or early mornings. The shade is scarce on the trail (reminiscent of the Oregon Badlands) and that sun gets hot fast.

Be careful when swimming and playing in the actual reservoir, as it is discouraged by Tumalo Irrigation District. But, the surrounding land is BLM and a great space to hike.
Make sure you are respectful of the land! You can hit the food carts and grab a drink at The Bite in Tumalo to complete the day’s adventure!
Upper Tumalo Reservoir is just a short drive (7.5 miles) from Bend.
The Dog Guide Bend will be hosting their first ever Pack Walk here on Sunday, June 12th. If you wish to join, please respect everyone who attends. Please leave reactive dogs at home until the next hike, bring lots of water, and leashes will be worn while the pack gets comfortable.