The Rawley Project adoption event at Backporch Coffee

It’s National Shelter Appreciation Week – and there are more ways to help local rescue organizations than you think.

Up until a few years ago, I used to think that the only ways to help rescue organizations were to adopt, foster, or donate financially.

Imagine my surprise when I learned all of the other ways they could use assistance.

Some ways require minimal time and effort. While other ways might give you an opportunity to utilize your own personal skills.

And since it’s National Shelter Appreciation Week and the season of giving is upon us, I’m sure everyone can find some way to lend a hand.

Donate money in other ways

Beyond the obvious direct monetary donations, here are a few other ways to donate:

Fred Meyer Community Rewards: All you have to do is link your Fred Meyer shopper’s card with the local organization of your choice and shop as usual!

This is all at no additional cost. Any transactions moving forward will be applied to the program – a percentage of your spending will be donated.

Amazon Smile: Just like the program mentioned above, you can also shop via and 0.5% of your purchases will be donated to a charitable organization of your choice.

Bottle Drop: Your favorite rescue organizations are most likely a part of the Blue Bag program with Bottle Drop. All you have to do is collect bottles and cans. Then put them in a barcoded blue bag. Then when the bags are turned in to the redemption center, the deposit is credited to that organization! Check in with the organization of your choice to learn more and get blue bags.

Supplies: Donate food, cat litter, toys, towels, blankets, and beds to shelters and rescue organizations. Reach out to see what they might need most!


Most animal rescue organizations hold fundraising events – everything from adoption events, bingo, Paws & Pints, holiday fundraisers, spay and neuter clinics, and more!

The biggest thing you can do is ATTEND and show support.

You can also reach out and see if they need any help working an event – for example, in the case of a spay and neuter clinic, they will oftentimes need extra volunteers for check-in, recovery, clean up, etc. It takes a village!

I highly encourage you to take the first step and fill out a volunteer application with the organization/shelter of your choice.

Use your skills

Maybe you have a special skill or talent that you could share! Reach out and offer up how you could personally help their organization!

  • Photography – You could help get animals adopted! Organizations would also love snapshots of special events they’re hosting or adoption day photos.
  • Graphic designer/artist – You can design newsletters, websites, event flyers, etc.
  • Writer – You can contribute to blogs, newsletters, or help write animal adoption bios.
  • Social Media – Spread the word about events, adoptable animals, fundraisers, and more. Or maybe they need someone to manage their social media page(s). You can share this article to help too!
  • Dog Trainers – Some dogs could use a little guidance to boost their chances of finding their forever home. Whether it’s learning to walk on a leash, basic commands, or socialization.
  • Transport dogs – Sometimes dogs arrive at the airport, and organizations need a hand picking them up and either bringing them to their foster home or adoptive family. There could also be circumstances when a dog needs to be moved from one temporary home to another.
  • Gather crates – Organizations might need help rounding up crates that animals arrived in from their travel journey to transport new animals.

To learn more about organizations here in Central OR, visit our adoptable dogs in Bend page.

Mandy Bradley

Author: Mandy Bradley

Mandy resides in Bend with her husband, daughter, two cats, and rescue dog. Her passion for animal advocacy started as a young girl, and has since then become a big part of her life. Whether it's exploring the great outdoors or curling up with a book, you can be sure there's an animal by her side.